Adam Piette

Front end / Full stack developer

Background webGL animation created by me.
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About Me:

I am a full-stack web developer with past interaction design experience, who loves to transform ideas into compelling digital experiences.


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Personal projects:

ProlifiCal Calendar

Live link:

React, Node, Mongo, JavaScript

Capstone project built using ReactJS with my coding partner Reilly Anderson, we created a calendar app with a goal to be comparative to Goggle's calendar. The idea was to have a day view next to the monthly view. We created the CSS and the calendar functionality. I also created the mini calendar picker from scratch, implemented as a React component.

A large challenge was to understand database aggregations with MongoDB. Another challenge was determining the algorithms to define the first day of the week of any given month and year.

We worked on quick sprints, starting with wireframing.
wireframe example month view wireframe example day view

We have big plans for this, including expanding into customizable views, multiple calendar support, email reminders, and more.

Using: React JS, Node JS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, various NPM modules such as npm-holiday, npm-date-lite, npm-react-grids
Github Link


Live link:

Node, Postgres, JavaScript

FeedrEater screenshot
This site is an aggregator for RSS feeds. It allows a url input, then stores it on a back-end database and sets the user's ranking, then parses the XML for the headlines and links to be displayed.

The biggest challenge for this site was to be aware of asynchronous calls. XML data could come in at different times, and the Node backend handles it. The front-end requests new information every few hundred milliseconds, and if the back-end has a retrieved XML for the RSS feed, it gives it to the front-end. This allows future planning for caching popular feeds.

Using: Node JS, PostreSQL, Sequelize, Express, XML Parsing, Mustache templating, Milligram CSS

Github Link

Mood Journal

Python, Django, PlotlyJS

Live link:

MoodJournal screenshot

This project was built using Python3 and Django 2.0.2. As I worked on the project, I discovered that Django is a very robust platform, and easy to change database structures on the back-end, when I moved from Sqlite to PostgreSQL. The chart was made with Plotly.js to give users a chance to see how their different moods evolve over time.

Deploying to a solution such as Heroku proved much more of a challenge, as certain configurations were needed: WhiteNoise to serve static files, and Gunicorn to handle the incoming request layer using workers.

I created a list view of all entries, paginated by month, which could be requested from the backend through a route.

All screens were made to be responsive.

Another screenshot

Using: Python, Django, Plotly, PostreSQL, Sqlite
Github Link

Yukon Solitaire

Live link: Gone!

Java, Android

Android App - Yukon Solitaire

Self-taught how to code and deploy an Android mobile app featuring a yukon solitaire card game. This project used the Java programming language, Eclipse IDE, and the Android API. I created my own support libraries which included buttons, touch managers, sprite loader, and tween manager.

Take a look at the object-oriented tween library I created here: GitHub Link

Mini B3D: An OpenGL 3D gaming library

Hybrid OOP, Open-Source

This is an open-source 3D gaming library. It is written for the Cerberus-X programming language (originally Monkey-X, and previously BlitzMax language written by Mark Sibly), ported from the original Blitz Basic library form Simon Armstrong.

It allowed games to be written for several platforms: Linux, OSX, Windows, HTML5, Android, iPhone, Windows Phone, Xbox. I maintained the library for about 3 years, adding several enhancements and performance improvements.

Most notably, I wrote, maintained, and debugged the webGL shaders.
This was all a labor of love, because the community and language were great. I learned most of my object-oriented programming knowledge with this language.

GitHub Link

UFO Capture Game

Live link:

JavaScript, EaselJS

Screenshot of UFO game
A game written in JavaScript using canvas. A player flies the UFO around trying to pick up humans and bring them back to the mothership.
Using: Easel JS, SoundJS, TweenJS
Github Link

Past design work:

I am currently focused on development, but in light of my past design experience, you can view my design portfolio here: Adam Piette's Design Portfolio